In order to monitor the progress of our learners, teachers utilize activities and assessments to develop the necessary competencies to achieve the target outcomes as well as measure their development during the lesson and assess what works and does not work from a teaching perspective, and what is needed to be improved upon the learners. Let's discuss the following.

Smooth, silky transitions
For most groups, the teachers made the transitions of the lesson seamless and natural where each transition of the lesson is introduced with a connecting phrase or device in order to see the connection of the previous topic to the next. They have practiced the timings of when a person should enter or begin discussing and when to end. They also just used a brief introduction of the lesson by introducing the presenter next and a taste of what they will share. However, one group made the error of moving on from one text to the next without having a build-up of the previous lesson which made the connection of the main text to the theme or application of the theme seem abrupt which caused some dead airs.
If I were to be the one to teach that lesson, I would transition it like...
Specific Demo Topic: Nationalism
Part of the lesson: Historical events in the Philippines
What I will say to provide appropriate transition:
”Philippines is a country rich with history (both good and bad). Given the text that we have read, what are some events in the country before where Filipinos showed their spirit of nationalism for their country? Let’s dig into it.
What activity I would do differently
Activity that I would like to change: The one where students will analyze the lines of the poem to further deepen understanding.
Names of Demo Teachers of the activity I would like to change: Dela Cruz, Diaz, Mangibin (Group 8 – Project Method, Roleplay)
What I would do differently:
I would have made this activity a during reading activity (pre-assigned) and I would ask the learners to act as a certain historical figure (maybe roleplay Rizal, Bonifacio or whomever) and deliver a speech about nationalism in the Philippines in order to make learning meaningful by letting the students wear the shoes of those who have fought for what we have today.
Activities that work as Formative Assessments
Lesson Plan of Group No: Group 6
Demo Teachers: Redubla, Sabar, Suico, Alpuerto
Activity which can be a Formative Assessment Task:
The activity is creating comics and other artworks and crafts and presenting it to the class the next day. We are able to apply our learning in the form of a tangible output which is an artwork thus it can be evaluated following a set criterion. Given its components, this can serve as a formative assessment of what the learners have learned.
Making Formative Assessments be like...
