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Hey that's me!

           You have probably read a brief description of who I am in the home page but I'll add more depth to it in here. Again I am JM Magsisi but call me "M" for short. I am currently studying Bachelor in English Education at Philippines' center of teacher development, the well-renowned Philippine Normal University. As to why I wanted to study education, I chose it as my college degree because it was ever since a childhood dream of mine (but I'll explain in a future blog a deeper take as to why I took the said program).

        Anyway, I began this blogging website because one, I want to become a content creator that makes meaningful content and use the available platforms to me to deliver entertaining as well as educational content in various form of media; plus this might come in handy when I become a professional practicing teacher. That would be all about me and I hope you enjoy the various choices of blogs that you will be reading in here. 

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